2August 2012
I have know John Grider for fifteen years now, and as long as I can remember he has been working toward being an artist. I am lucky to own a painting of his.
Last week we hung out at Athena and my going away party. He showed me this new video he finished. It’s called ‘The Bigger Picture Project’ and it is amazing. I can see how the last fifteen years of working hard has paid off for John.
John works with a partner, Mike Fitzsimmons, in a collaborative called Broken Crow.
Broken Crow has been creating works in minneapolis since 2003 and as a result there are Broken Crow murals everywhere in Minneapolis. All of them are innovative.
I haven’t said much about Mike, and I mean no disrespect to his work or to him. I just don’t know him very well and all that I can say is that I admire his work alone and as a part of Broken Crow.
The Bigger Picture Project by Mike Fitzsimmons and John Grider is some of the most stunning work in Minneapolis. Every muralist in town, every tagger wanting to be an artist copies these two.
I look forward to your next project like this.