2January 2007
I normally don’t take the passing of the new year too seriously. I have never set a New Year’s resolution and I don’t make great plans for change in my life, as I like the direction its going. I don’t party until I puke like the rest of the pot-bellied vacationers taking a night off from life.
This year is somehow different. I have a real job, and its in a museum where I will be surrounded by works of art five days a week. I have been visiting museums for study for nearly ten years now, and this opportunity to truly become familiar with a museum’s collection is one I can’t pass up.
This time as the new year comes about, I set one goal for myself. To empty the cup and refill it with a better understanding of art history. I intend to study the works of art here at my new job at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and perfect my craft as an artist.
I want to keep my employment for five years. That should be enough time to perfect my craft, set myself up for working as a professional artist full time, and refill my cup with a better understanding of art history.
So enjoy your new year and make some art…
…why not right?