
Opening Night at Gallery 13

The opening event was a great success with somewhere between 1,200 and 1,500 (Best guess...

Artwork of the month: Revenge is sweet

Anne-Louis Girodet de Rouncy-Trioson French, 1767-1824 “Portrait of Mlle. Lang as Danae” 1799, oil on...

Art Sneak Peak

Here is a sneak peak of a portion of the exhibit opening on the 9th...

Pollychroma Exhibit

It has been a few months since I was able to post.  Life became very...

My work at a collectors home

A good friend just texted a pic of my work she owns hanging in her...

Kickstarter funded successfully!!!

We did it!!! Thank you all....

Artwork of the month by Georges Braque

I have been working on abstractions of the Minneapolis landscape; simple line drawings that I...

Artwork of the month by Yue Minjun

I love looking at this painting, but I am unable to stare it down for...

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