
The Glazing Wall Easel I designed

A few years ago I built a glazing easel with my grandfather, Greg.  We designed...

Artwork of the month: 5 favorite nudes at the MIA

I admire these works for their beauty, their composition, and their important historical value.They are...

Andromeda and the Sea Monster Cetus

Once again, here is my retelling of the story of Andromeda… BitTorrent #10 “Andromeda” Oil...

“Andromeda” painting step by step

Last month Athena and I went to New York for a week on business and...

Caravaggio in the studio

I thought these were pretty cool pictures of my dog Caravaggio in the studio.  ...

Studio #8 – Pleasant Avenue South

Since 1997, I have always lived in my studio.  Now that I live with my...

My return to oil painting

In the summer of 2009 I was hit by a car that ran a red...

Artwork of the month: Subodh Gupta

At the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, on the second floor, there is a new “Modern”...

Caravaggio my Studio dog

I rescued a puppy at a shelter in Hayward, Wisconsin.  I fell in love with...

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