
New Chair design

This winter my friend Aaron Conner, from Paraselenic Studio, designed and built a set of...

A New painting: Step by step

This is a new piece I completed a few months ago.  It is an older...

Artwork of the month: American landscape

 Early in 2009, there was an exhibit of paintings at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (owned...

My paint palette

I have been working with a new palette, or at least a new set of...

Artwork of the month: “Immaculate Madonna”

Every now and then a work of art truly inspires me, or I just like...

Starting over after the accident

I have not worked on this blog for a long time.  In 2009 I was...

Hospital Update

Hi this is Athena, Adam was hit by a car that ran a red light...

Artwork of the month by Berthe Morisot

I have paused periodically in front of this paining for the last 6 years.  I...

Artwork of the month by Willem de Kooning

I discovered Willem de Kooning in 1992 browsing through a book store.  Immediately I found...

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