Divinity School

28December 2019

I have been working on this painting for a long time.  I started it sometime around February of this year, and for a long time it sat on the easel unattended.  I was too busy tattooing to spend time painting, and I had to think about the work for a while.  As soon as I could see what was going to be I started working in every spare second I had.  It is 12”x24” oil on linen and all brush work.  This study  got our of hand for a while and I had to reestablish the balance.  My work is a constant rebalancing of harmony toward disharmony and then back again.  I like to create compositional problems that need to be solved.

I have enjoyed the difficulty this composition presented me with.  The base sigil was created during a particularly cold season where I was so chilly that I found it necessary to purchase two pairs of shoes.  I have not owned a pair of shoes for at least 4 years.  I had a pair, but then they were so old and I never wore them so I threw them away and reserved myself to wearing slippers daily.  Slippers are flip flops, and living on Maui normally is too hot for shoes.  The base sigil was complicated, and from the beginning disharmonious with itself, however purposefully so.

I would like to have this completed before the new year, albeit, I may not be able to as there is so much work to do before it is resolved and considered a composition worth hanging.  Realistically I need 4 days of real work on this painting for it to be finished and I only have two.  