22October 2020
I was finally able to finish this oil painting. I have been working on this off and on for over a year. Normally I have been so busy tattooing that I barely have time to paint, and well now with covid and tattooing so slow as a result I have all the time in the world to paint.

The west Maui mountains are called “Mauna Kahalawai” means “holding house of water” and are absolutely beautiful. I live in west Maui, and Look at these mountains every day as they can be seen from everywhere you are. These mountains are impressive, gorgeous and green after the rains. All of our drinking water comes from these mountains, and I have swam in a few of its super cold water streams and found my skin and hair to be softer then I have ever felt after. Truly these mountains are an amazing feature that add to the quality of life here on Maui.
I am not usually so direct in my abstraction, but living at the base of these mountains has had such a profound influence on me that I just had to express how much I am in love with their presence.