29August 2013
I have lived on Maui for a full year now.
Moving my family here was one of the best choices I have ever made. I needed to get away from the city, the ratrace, the bullshit, the traffic…
…so we sold everything and moved to one of the most remote places on the planet.
We live in a fairly remote part of the island, and I have become a Napili hermit simply because where I live is beautiful, calm, quite, and I have no need to go anywhere else.
I am still a compositionalist, but I have been expanding my vocabulary.
I have been exploring water color painting as a study for oils. I have also been tattooing on Maui. The last year has been a great year of research for my new series of paintings, exploring artistic mediums that I have seldom used, and slowing down my life in general as I enjoy my family and our life here on the island.
Moving here was a risk, but not that much of a risk. I had a good job lined up tattooing with Trevor and the promise that the shop will be mine when I am ready. I am not ready yet, my game is not enough yet, but as soon as I build a reputation here I will be ready. Thats just going to take time, and I will take it one client at a time.
I am not ready to begin the mental work for my “Peloponnesian War” painting. I am just going to tattoo and watercolor until my mind is clear for it. Now, after a full year of living on the island I feel that I am reenergized enough to start my next series of oil paintings. I will continue to post here on this blog as it relates to oil painting.
Even Caravaggio loves living as artists on Maui.