30September 2020

I have not posted much over the last few months. The times have been absolute insanity in the world, as my time has become one of complete isolation and productivity. Looking past all of the events of 2020, I have become way more productive then I ever expected, considering the state of the world and our ability to both ignore it and deal with the collective stress of our moment.
I have taken full advantage of this forced isolation. Beyond the business of tattooing, which has been demanding at the very least, I have been working daily on all of my projects that I came to Hawaii to complete. I am currently working on a reedit of my philosophy book on art, which I expect to be finished by late 2021. I completed a final edit of my three poetry books from my early days as an artist. I completed two oil paintings and currently I have several paintings on the easel that should be finished by the end of 2020. Atop of all of that I have been formally training my apprentice for both oil painting and tattooing. I have been busy, and It has been good to immerse myself entirely in my work again.
I expect to have a great deal of works that I will release in 2021. It is very exciting for me to be able to complete so many of my projects, and the isolation that I originally came to Maui to find so I could adequately complete my work was inadvertently given to me as a result of 2020 events.
Mahalo, and stay safe.